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My meeting at Denny's the other day was quite... eventful. I apologize for taking so long to gather my thoughts, but it has been a lot to...

Fortune Cookies

I grow increasingly impatient with the Elders and my fellow Starseekers, and their continued neglect of Barul's plight. I needed to get...

On Barul

As many, if not most of you may know, one of the side effects of this year’s round of Absgalan (which I will write about at greater...

A Devotional Playlist

As someone raised in the digital age, I don’t feel quite complete without some sort of music infused throughout my day. I am also the...

How Do You Serve The King?

To the few outside the Church who know of Absgalar, our ways and means are commonly seen as strange or outlandish. Many have referred to...

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