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How Do You Serve The King?

To the few outside the Church who know of Absgalar, our ways and means are commonly seen as strange or outlandish. Many have referred to the Absgalaran Church as a cult, including those in other “non-mainstream” religions, such as Wicca. While I assure you that this is not the case, and that we are no more a cult than any other religion, that is not the point of this piece. I would like to shed some light on just what it is that I, as a monastic member of our Church, do to serve Absgal, in hopes that this will help others to see that we are not as strange as we may seem.

As a monastic clergyman in the Absgalaran Church - known as a Starseeker - my daily life revolves around my faith moreso than the average Church Observer. At the House, which is what we call our monastery, we observe the Absgalaran calendar above the standard Gregorian calendar, and our days largely consist of worship, research, and maintenance of the grounds, which all Starseekers participate in, including the Elders.

I am among the youngest generation of Starseekers in our House. As such, I grew up, as many of my peers did, in the digital age. The Church is rather infamously techno-phobic, being largely comprised of older, less tech-savvy individuals, which was a struggle for me and some of the other younger Starseekers. Myself and my colleague Barul, as well as a few others in our age range, have convinced the Elders of our House to allow us to begin giving the Church an online presence, which has given birth to this website. Right now, this is how I best serve the King’s Will. We have taken advantage of the fact that we are in the Season of Ommudempora to utilize Discord as a means of playing Absgalan online, that we might be able to prove to the Elders the viability of this enterprise.

Absgalan serves a very important purpose in our faith, which we will endeavor to explain more fully in the near future. The fact that we have been given this opportunity to share Absgalan with a wider audience through the use of the internet is a rather big deal. The Elders had to petition the higher Church leaders on our behalf to allow us this chance. It is my hope that the King looks fondly upon our endeavor and that we perform well enough to bring glory to His name.

That is all I have to say for now. So, until next time, I wish you well.

Absgalari monei ros baan.

-Starseeker Sorrek

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