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My meeting at Denny's the other day was quite... eventful. I apologize for taking so long to gather my thoughts, but it has been a lot to take in.

I suppose I should begin with the identity of our new friend. It seems that Barul's suspicions were correct after all. It was Hanak who has been leaving these messages for us around the House. It was Hanak who left us that clue to find the "Albannon Aproacheth" Youtube channel [here]. And it was, it turns out, Hanak who left the House and took a Wonder with him.

However, Hanak is not the one behind "Albannon Aproacheth". It seems that the House - or, rather, all of the Houses - are riddled with hidden cameras, and the footage on that channel comes from Houses all over. He was not willing to tell us much, as he does not yet fully trust us, but he gave us evidence of some rather concerning practices taking place within the Church. He also believes that the Wonder he has may be able to help Barul. But, again, we have not yet earned his trust.

I am rather wary of him, as well, but... Hanak was my mentor when I first joined the Church. I know that he serves the King. I want to trust him. But I don't want to have to distrust all of my fellow Starseekers at the House.

He thinks that someone within the Church, someone with access to the cards, did, in fact, stack the Deck and cause Barul's althesoration. I don't want to believe that, but...

I don't know what to believe. All I can do is pray, and hope that Absgal will show me the correct path.

-Starseeker Sorrek

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